50 Give or Take, Spring 2025 To be published Spring 2025

“Likes / Dislikes”
Persimmon Tree, December 2023
Things I like: clothes drying on the line, maps of fictional worlds, cemeteries, blueberries, long winter
nights, making lists, train rides, street art, small poodles, the disorientation of travel, libraries,
cardamom, dioramas, Amish noodles, rain, curtains blowing in the breeze, lengthy silences, #2 pencils,
archaic words and phrases.
Things I dislike: calling girls princess, water, plane trips, sand, the term “ladies”, flossing, sun, ideologues,
gardening, big screen televisions, manicured lawns, leaf blowers, baby showers, weddings, smoothies,
fad diets, roses, bicycling.